
The Power of Video

And Why Every Business Needs A Lot More of it Right Away

Video is the most powerful, efficient way to reach – and affect – people. Period! Think FaceTime vs. email. A Ken Burns documentary vs. Wikipedia. The Budweiser Clydesdales in Super Bowl ads vs. hearing horse clops on the radio. There is just no denying it.

And businesses big and small don’t have anywhere near enough the video they need to sell their products and services to their customers in today’s digital world.

Started From the Bottom, Now We’re Here

In the beginning – way back in the 90s ­– internet content was basically just text. Those of us who remember how long it took to do anything on dial-up understand why there weren’t many images, let alone video. If you wanted to use video content to promote something or sell a product, it had to be on television, which was nearly prohibitively expensive.

But now the world of online marketing is all about video. If your business is not constantly producing video as a cornerstone of your marketing efforts, well, just know all your competitors will be.

According to Cisco’s research, by 2022, 82 percent of ALL IP traffic will be video. Yes, you read that correctly: 82 PERCENT.1

Video is Only Going to Keep Growing

Budgeting for digital advertising spending has been increasing exponentially when compared to traditional methods. The results of a 2018 Nielson study found that 82 percent of respondents planned on increasing their digital media spend as a percentage of their total advertising budget. By comparison, only 30 percent planned on allocating more to traditional media channels.

Effective advertising also takes advantage of the power of social media – and no, I’m not talking about trying to create a “viral” video (I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m bored to death by that phrase). The results of one survey reported that 93 percent of businesses say they’ve gotten new customers thanks to a video on social media and 73 percent of consumers have been impacted by a brand’s social media presence when making a purchase decision.3

When it comes to your business, don’t you think you should be taking advantage of that power? 

Video is also about educating your potential or current customers. Show them why your widget is better than the competition. It’s a lot more powerful than telling them. 

If your product requires assembly – or has any moving parts – providing a link to video instructions on YouTube for your customers would save money because you wouldn’t have to pay people to field phone calls from confused customers. A LOT of people turn to YouTube to help them figure out how to do something: 87 percent of users say the site is important for this reason, with 51 percent saying it is very important.4 Imagine if Ikea included videos with their 17-million-little bits-and pieces shelving units – ahhh, what a wonderful world it would be. 

Video is a Great Teacher

Using video for corporate events and employee training has more impact and is more costeffective. When Microsoft decided to use video rather than classroom training, it reduced costs from $320 per person to just $17 per person.5

So now that I’ve convinced you that you need video in your life and you need it now, how do you share that video?

Be Seen by the Right People

The sweet part of digital marketing is that it’s flexible. Using a variety of techniques, methods, approaches, and strategies (ok, those all might be the same thing) we can help you make sure your message reaches a lot of people in a cost-effective, yet highly efficient, way.

There’s PPC and CPC:  Pay Per Click, which means you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad, and Cost per Click, which is how much you’re willing to pay for each of those clicks.

Using geo-targeting you can target your videos ad to specific customers in specific areas and locations.

Contextual advertising, the targeting of ads based on the context of the content that a consumer is reading, watching or listening to, is a method by which you can still reach the most relevant (and likely more interested) audiences by placing ads in relevant environments.6

So check out some of our videos, and if you like what you see, give AdZilla a call and let us help you with your video future!

1. “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Trends, 2017–2022 White Paper.” Cisco, February 27, 2019. https://www.cisco.com.
2. House, Brett, “The 21st Century CMO – Findings from the Nielsen CMO Report 2018.” GreenBook, The Guide for Buyers of Marketing Research. June 6, 2016. https://www.greenbook.org.
3. O’Neill, Megan. “2018 State of Social Video: Consumer Trends,” October 23, 2AD. https://animoto.com.
4. Pew Research Center, July 2019, “A Week in the Life of Popular YouTube Channels.”
5. Microsoft Academy Return on Investment (ROI) White Paper Calculator
6. Shih, Eric. “Striking the Right Balance: Personalized and Contextual Advertising.” Digital Content Next, January 7, 2019. https://digitalcontentnext.org.